Tips & Shortcuts

On being a good scientist and labmate

Sixty small steps to become awesome scientists and lab mates--be open to feedback, show appreciation, stay organized, ...

Linking a Zotero folder with Overleaf

Steps for dynamic linking of zotero folder with Overleaf manuscript.

Water Retention Lessons in Desmos

Visual fitting and pedotransfer functions of water retention in Desmos.

Soil Hydraulic Functions in Matlab

R functions for fitting and calculating water rtention and hydraulic conductivity functions.

Code snippet for new R script

This code snippet is worth adding to all new R script files.

Soil Hydraulic Functions in R

R functions for fitting and calculating water rtention and hydraulic conductivity functions.

Reading List

Success in Graduate School

The Seven Secrets of Highly Successful Research Students. Rate yourself on the seven secrets and work out what exactly you can do to improve your progress. Topics covered include dealing with your supervisor, writing, being realistic, and hanging in there when the going gets tough.
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On Being a Scientist

The scientific research enterprise is built on a foundation of trust. Scientists trust that the results reported by others are valid. Society trusts that the results of research reflect an honest attempt by scientists to describe the world accurately and without bias. But this trust will endure only if the scientific community devotes itself to exemplifying and transmitting the values associated with ethical scientific conduct....
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Enhancing Postdoctoral Experience

Postdoctoral experiences are increasingly seen as central to careers in research, but for many, the postdoctoral experience falls short of expectations. This book offers its assessment of the postdoctoral experience and provides principles, action points, and recommendations for enhancing that experience.
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Scrutiny of the Abstract

Kenneth K. Landes (former Editor of the AAPG Bulletin) writes "abstract is of utmost importance for it is read by 10 to 500 times more people than hear or read the entire article." In this classic article insights he gained from years experience.
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Scrutiny of the Introduction

Jon Claerbout shares his formula for writing an "introduction to a technical paper should be an invitation to readers to invest their time reading it."
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Maintaining Laboratory Notebook

Colin Purrington shares "tips for undergraduates, but perhaps useful for anyone."
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How to write a useful manuscript review

A “good” peer review is an analysis that is useful and constructive for both the editor and the authors, says Josh Schimel in one of his insightful *Writing Science* blog posts.
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Teamrat's Favorite Videos

Secrets of Effective Scholarly Writing

Larry McEnerney, Director of the University of Chicago's Writing Program, explains how to craft scholarly writing that is of value to you to your readers.

Explaining Explanations

In this thought provoking TED talk, physicist David Deutsch explains the defining characetristics of good scientific explanations and how they differ from myths.

A kinder, gentler philosophy of success

Alain de Botton examines our ideas of success and failure... Is success always earned? Is failure? A witty case for finding to find true pleasure in our work.

What's soil got do with climate change?

Soil scientist Asmeret Asefaw Berhe explains how we could use its awesome carbon-trapping power to offset climate change while boosting soil productivity.

The Tyrany of Small Scales

In the 2018 Walter B. Langbein Lecture, Dani Or discusses the challenges and opportunities of representing soil processes in global models. Read More

Pollution and Environmental Justice

Filmmaker Penelope Jagessar Chaffer and Biologist Tyrone Hayes explain the relationship between pollution and environmental justice.