Graphical Abstract
June 06, 2024

Let’s BRAAG about Jalynn

NASA ACRES blog--Let’s BRAAG about Jalynn Greer, a Kentucky State University Scholar who is Bridging a Career Path in Nursing and Agriculture success!

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Graphical Abstract
May 08, 2024

Kennedy's BRAAG experience

NASA ACRES blog--Learning by Doing, Basia Skudrzyk interviewed a Howard Scholar, Kennedy Williams' about he journey with the BRAAG program

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Graphical Abstract
April 04, 2024

On being a good scientist and labmate

Sixty small steps to become awesome scientists and lab mates--be open to feedback, show appreciation, stay organized, ...

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Graphical Abstract
January 08, 2024

Linking a Zotero folder with Overleaf

Steps for dynamic linking of zotero folder with Overleaf manuscript.

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Graphical Abstract
May 12, 2023

Touyee Thao earned PhD

Celebrating Dr. Touyee Thao's remarkable PhD completion and his upcoming role as a USDA Research Scientist. Proud of his achievements and wishing him continued success!

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Graphical Abstract
December 16, 2022

Hooding of Toshi & Manisha

Dr. Toshiyuki Bandai and Dr. Manisha Dolui successfully graduate with PhDs and move on to postdoctoral positions. Congratulations to both on their remarkable achievements!

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Graphical Abstract
December 05, 2022

Toshi defended his dissertation.

Today, Toshiyuki Bandai accomplished a significant milestone by successfully defending his PhD dissertation. Congratulations, Toshi, on a remarkable achievement!

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Graphical Abstract
December 02, 2022

Manisha defended her dissertation

Manisha Dolui, who was advised by Prof. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe until May 2022, successfuly defended her Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Dolui.

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